Sunday, February 21, 2010

17 Weeks Today!

Well, today is the 17 week mark.  Three more weeks and we'll be half way through the pregnancy!  CRAZY!! 
So lately I've been throwing around names with Nick because on March 30th we will be able to tell the gender.  We can't really agree on a girl name at all.  The boy name is picked out but we would still like everyone's opinion.  So I made my own name list and you can go to the link and vote on your favorite name.  I'm still not sure about the girls names but so far this is some that we like. 

So go to the link and vote for us.... we would love your input!

Our next appointment is on March 2nd... we'll post more then!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Second Trimester is Here!

As of Sunday we are now at the 14 week mark AKA the second trimester!

Your baby measures about 4 inches, crown to rump, and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces (a little more than an extra-large egg).

To see week to week size of the baby see 

I've been felling pretty good.  Still EXTREMELY tired all of the time.  I don't work full time and I still take naps!  Thank god I married such a great guy that he doesn't complain about me sleeping all of the time!  I did have an appointment with the doctor on Friday and everything went very well.  The baby's heart beat was 158 beats per min.  This is very good.  I had to ask her opinion if the old wives tale was true or not.  (higher heartbeat=girl, lower=boy)  She said it wasn't true.  I keep telling Nick that the baby is going to be a girl just because we secretly want a boy :)  It doesn't phase him, he's still convinced it's a boy.  We are definitely going to find out what it is.  It will make shopping MUCH easier on everyone!  The ultrasound date is March 30th.  We can't wait! 
Anyway, enough from us tonight.... check back soon!